18 Years A Transient – My Journey Through the American Immigration System as a Computer Engineer

It sounds surreal to even say it out loud, but I’ve been living in America for the majority of my life, ever since I was a teenager. And for 18 of those years, I was legally a transient - hopping from one temporary visa to another. I’ve explored so many nooks and crannies of the … Continue reading 18 Years A Transient – My Journey Through the American Immigration System as a Computer Engineer

If Founders Treated Their Investors The Same Way They Treated Their Employees

Founder: Hey Joe! How are you doing? Everyone here loved meeting you, and we would really love to have you on board as our investor! We really respect your expertise, and think this could be a great partnership. What do you say? Investor: Glad to hear! Can you give me more details about how much … Continue reading If Founders Treated Their Investors The Same Way They Treated Their Employees